Why the Divine Expedition?

The Divine Expedition is an epic adventure to train networks of Jesus-following leaders to train others, who train others, who train others, and who train others to multiply movements that reach people for Christ, make disciples, develop leaders and plant more churches.

The Divine Expedition is done through interactive workshops, small group participation, and ongoing coaching relationships. The workshops include four phases of training made up of eight sessions each, spread out over a two- to three-year period. Each session is rooted in Scripture, not only interpreted literally, historically, and grammatically, but also applied relationally, redemptively, and missionally.

The Divine Expedition seeks to equip and empower national leaders, church planters, and pastors who have the highest degree of character and integrity, have a proven track record of a healthy, multiplying ministry, possess a visionizing capacity, and have the humility to partner with an empower others.

Why Global Training Network? Why the Majority World?


6.3 Billion People

Out of the 7 billion plus people on planet earth, 6.3 billion live in the majority world, which is the geographic area of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceana.

80% Need Training

Today at least 75% of the world’s Christians are non-western, living in the Majority World. But 80% of Majority World pastors and Christian leaders have no formal training.

1 in 450,000

In the United States there is 1 trained pastor per 250 people. Around the world, there is 1 trained pastor per 450,000 people. Global Training Network’s foremost goal is to change this reality.

The Divine Expedition Training

Each of the four phases of the Divine Expedition training is delivered in eight 90-minute sessions, during which the trainer presents for 7-10 minutes followed by application. We emphasize participation through discovery, discussion, demonstration, diagraming, and doing, rather than mere lecture and passive listening. The training aims at head, heart and hands, including practical ministry tools that equip participants to lead others to Christ, strengthen disciples, raise up leaders, and multiply and grow churches.

Four phases of Training

Phase 1

Romans as a Life Transformation and Missional Impact Map

Phase 2

Aligning Your Heart With The Father-Heart of God

Phase 3

Empowering Others for Multiplication

Phase 4

Acts and Multiplying Movements that reach people for Christ, make disciples, develop leaders, and plant and grow churches

Our Approach to Multiplication

In the Divine Expedition Phase 1 workshop, the Divine Expedition team does 100% of the training (though in a participative, interactive style). When the team returns a few months later to facilitate Phase 2, we repeat Phase 1 in a new location selected by the national catalytic leader. This national leader also selects several participants from the first Phase 1 to join the Divine Expedition trainers in the new location.

In the new Phase 1 location and workshop, the selected participants from the first Phase 1 become Contributors/Observers. They contribute by sharing how they applied the previous Phase 1, and they observe and take notes, anticipating how they will present the Phase 1 training in an upcoming third location.

When the Divine Expedition team returns a third time, Phase 1 is presented in a third location, and Phase 3 in the first location.

Progression from Participant to Master Trainer

As the above process continues through all four phases of Divine Expedition training, national leaders progress from Participant (1st time through a phase), to Contributor/Observer (2nd time through), to Co-Presenter (3rd time through) where they present 50% of the material, to Lead Trainer (4th time through). As the national leader reaches the Lead Trainer in each (and all) of the four phases, they become Master Trainers and begin to team with others to multiply the training locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

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