1. What year did DET first start in your country?  2021 

2. What are some challenges people in your country are facing?

There was political unrest in Guatemala after the election of 2023, which shut down the entire country. People blocked all the roads, and the price of gas, food and other items skyrocketed. A candidate won the presidency on an anti-corruption platform and the corrupt attorney general and others did not like it. There is an influx of M-13 and M-18 gang members as El Salvador has arrested so many.

3. What are the challenges you face as you expand DET? 

Getting churches to participate with other churches. Time is an issue during the week because attendees must work to feed their families. We are training from 5-9PM now. One way we tried to get attendees to come on time was by offering raffles with prizes of $37, $25 and $13. That was effective.

4. Can you share some of the impact DET has had in your country?

More evangelism is taking place, as well as church members becoming more active in their communities.

6.  What are your plans, dreams and prayers for DET in 2024?

Our plan is to complete all four phases by October. We are also praying for a movement in CRU and Christian ministries in the universities. Students are coming to Christ and being discipled by CRU.

7.  Which is your strongest area for DET? 

a. making disciples

b. training leaders

c. planting churches

d. launching movements

e. Making disciples.

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